
Restkiss takes security seriously. By default, it:

  • does not access your filesystem in any way.
  • only allows GET requests, demanding that the user think about who should be able to work with a given endpoint.
  • has is_debug as False by default.
  • wraps JSON lists in an object to prevent exploits.

While no known vulnerabilities exist, all software has bugs & Restkiss is no exception.

If you believe you have found a security-related issue, please DO NOT SUBMIT AN ISSUE/PULL REQUEST. This would be a public disclosure & would allow for 0-day exploits.

Instead, please send an email to “” & include the following information:

  • A description of the problem/suggestion.
  • How to recreate the bug.
  • If relevant, including the versions of your:
    • Python interpreter
    • Web framework
    • Restkiss
    • Optionally of the other dependencies involved

Please bear in mind that I’m not a security expert/researcher, so a layman’s description of the issue is very important.

Upon reproduction of the exploit, steps will be taken to fix the issue, release a new version & make users aware of the need to upgrade. Proper credit for the discovery of the issue will be granted via the AUTHORS file & other mentions.