Philosophy Behind Restkiss


Creator @toastdriven had a very specific goal when building the original Restless, and our goal is to respect it. All of it is here, unchanged.

Quite simply, I care about creating flexible & RESTFul APIs. In building Tastypie, I tried to create something extremely complete & comprehensive. The result was writing a lot of hook methods (for easy extensibility) & a lot of (perceived) bloat, as I tried to accommodate for everything people might want/need in a flexible/overridable manner.

But in reality, all I really ever personally want are the RESTful verbs, JSON serialization & the ability of override behavior.

This one is written for me, but maybe it’s useful to you.

Pithy Statements

Keep it simple
Complexity is the devil. It makes it harder to maintain, hard to be portable & hard for users to work with.
Python 3 is the default
Why write for the past? We’ll support it, but Python 2.X should be treated as a (well-supported) afterthought.
BSD Licensed
Any other license is a bug.
Work with as many web frameworks as possible.
Django is my main target, but I want portable code that I can use from other frameworks. Switching frameworks ought to be simply a change of inheritance.
RESTful by default

REST is native to the web & works well. We should make it easy to be RESTful.

If I wanted RPC, I’d just write my own crazy methods that did whatever I wanted.

Because XML sucks, bplist is Apple-specific & YAML is a security rats nest. Everything (I care about) speaks JSON, so let’s keep it simple.
B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Data)
Don’t integrate with a specific ORM. Don’t mandate a specific access format. We expose 8-ish simple methods (that map cleanly to the REST verbs/endpoints). Data access/manipulation happens there & the user knows best, so they should implement it.
I loved HATEOAS dearly, but it is complex & making it work with many frameworks is a windmill I don’t care to tilt at. Most people never use the deep links anyhow.
No Authorization
Authorization schemes vary so wildly & everyone wants something different. Give them the ability to write it without natively trying to support it.